Welcome Starseeds,
let's heal your Soul Crisis.
What is a Soul Crisis?
A Soul Crisis is caused when the outward persona and the inner self are miss-aligned and the inner self can no longer be denied its true expression. It is more commonly identified as Empathy overload, compassion fatigue or empathic distress. It occurs in people who are highly empathetic, have heightened-sensitivities, spiritually awakened, Traumatic response or work in high-demanding care professions such as healthcare professionals, social workers, therapists, emergency services, military, and missionary.
Soul Crisis can cause feelings of exhaustion, burnout, depression, racing thoughts, scattered mind, reduced focus, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbances, headaches, excessive worry, withdrawn behavior, paranormal experiences, psychic fears or confusion, body aches, rashes, breathing problems, excess crying, lack of emotional control, lack of emotion, anti-social behavior, lack of commitment, irrational fears, feelings of loneliness and/or abandonment, poor judgement and inability to decide or take action.
Why are so many experiencing a Soul Crisis now?
We are currently experiencing evolutionary times as we welcome in a new era for humanity on earth. This is not a process that started just a few years ago but has been in a steady upward, accelerating motion over the past 150 years (approximately). As human consciousness has expanded, so has our technology, our abilities and our imagination. We are required to process more information on a daily basis than ever before and in situation never experienced in known history.
What is the problem?
Majority of this information is processed through our five senses AND Our Extra-sensories, otherwise known as Clairs: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairalience and Clairgustance. Our clairs are processed through our empathic system, neurological system and endocrine system. As these systems expand to process more information there is more of our soul energy available to our human conscious awareness. This increase in conscious awareness and soul energy, along with the rise in Earth's vibrations, is requiring us to raise our personal frequency and vibration. To raise our frequency and vibration we must release it from lower vibrations; this is the need to heal past life, release toxic emotions, change thought patterns, activate dormant DNA, re-align energy channels, and understand universal law. The more distance in alignment between our soul aspect and our physical actions the greater the stress point which is the Soul Crisis.
What do I do about it?
Healing Soul Crisis is all about spiritual, emotional, mental and physical healing. What we heal in one area will reflect in the other areas. Bringing our soul selves and human lives into alignment with each other will heal the whole system, healing can be instant but for most people it is a process. What will accelerate the process of healing while relieving symptoms of a soul crisis is the 'Healing Empathy Overwhelm Program' on this page.
How to use the program:
Priority is the Am/Pm Energy Clearing meditation. Upon your first listen you will notice a shift in your energy field, most people describe it as a relief, a reduction in tension, a calming or peace. You don't need to understand everything said within the meditation, just listening is enough; it will help if you try to follow the breathing & focus instructions but they are not necessary. Listening is enough. It is recommended to do this meditation twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. Repeat daily for at least a week or more, return to it whenever you feel a need for clarity.
Education through reading this page, listening to the video and reading the PDF will give you greater understanding which is key in learning to navigate your own healing journey.
Reach out to me for a free Discovery Session and let's talk about the next step in your Soul Journey.
A Soul Crisis is caused when the outward persona and the inner self are miss-aligned and the inner self can no longer be denied its true expression. It is more commonly identified as Empathy overload, compassion fatigue or empathic distress. It occurs in people who are highly empathetic, have heightened-sensitivities, spiritually awakened, Traumatic response or work in high-demanding care professions such as healthcare professionals, social workers, therapists, emergency services, military, and missionary.
Soul Crisis can cause feelings of exhaustion, burnout, depression, racing thoughts, scattered mind, reduced focus, cognitive impairment, sleep disturbances, headaches, excessive worry, withdrawn behavior, paranormal experiences, psychic fears or confusion, body aches, rashes, breathing problems, excess crying, lack of emotional control, lack of emotion, anti-social behavior, lack of commitment, irrational fears, feelings of loneliness and/or abandonment, poor judgement and inability to decide or take action.
Why are so many experiencing a Soul Crisis now?
We are currently experiencing evolutionary times as we welcome in a new era for humanity on earth. This is not a process that started just a few years ago but has been in a steady upward, accelerating motion over the past 150 years (approximately). As human consciousness has expanded, so has our technology, our abilities and our imagination. We are required to process more information on a daily basis than ever before and in situation never experienced in known history.
What is the problem?
Majority of this information is processed through our five senses AND Our Extra-sensories, otherwise known as Clairs: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairalience and Clairgustance. Our clairs are processed through our empathic system, neurological system and endocrine system. As these systems expand to process more information there is more of our soul energy available to our human conscious awareness. This increase in conscious awareness and soul energy, along with the rise in Earth's vibrations, is requiring us to raise our personal frequency and vibration. To raise our frequency and vibration we must release it from lower vibrations; this is the need to heal past life, release toxic emotions, change thought patterns, activate dormant DNA, re-align energy channels, and understand universal law. The more distance in alignment between our soul aspect and our physical actions the greater the stress point which is the Soul Crisis.
What do I do about it?
Healing Soul Crisis is all about spiritual, emotional, mental and physical healing. What we heal in one area will reflect in the other areas. Bringing our soul selves and human lives into alignment with each other will heal the whole system, healing can be instant but for most people it is a process. What will accelerate the process of healing while relieving symptoms of a soul crisis is the 'Healing Empathy Overwhelm Program' on this page.
How to use the program:
Priority is the Am/Pm Energy Clearing meditation. Upon your first listen you will notice a shift in your energy field, most people describe it as a relief, a reduction in tension, a calming or peace. You don't need to understand everything said within the meditation, just listening is enough; it will help if you try to follow the breathing & focus instructions but they are not necessary. Listening is enough. It is recommended to do this meditation twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. Repeat daily for at least a week or more, return to it whenever you feel a need for clarity.
Education through reading this page, listening to the video and reading the PDF will give you greater understanding which is key in learning to navigate your own healing journey.
Reach out to me for a free Discovery Session and let's talk about the next step in your Soul Journey.
Am Pm Energy Clearing
I recommend doing the Am/Pm Energy Clearing Meditation every morning and every evening. This meditation is designed to remove lower vibration and shadow energy that we pickup during our regular daily activities. As an Empath we have heightened awareness of vibrations and frequencies in our environment; this includes emotions and thoughts of other people, intense energy signatures from present and past events, as well as our own intensity of emotions and thought. Often our compassion and heightened ability to identify with another person's experience will open us to allowing hooks, cords and compassionate connections to form. This meditation will remove the basic attachments that form in our everyday activity, but there may also be deeper attachments from earlier life trauma and/or past life, these issues require deeper work in the Akashic Field. I recommend booking a Discovery Call or Soul Realignment(tm) Package to deal with your Soul incarnation story.
Why did I call this 'Exit the Matrix' ?
This program is called Exit the Matrix because it is giving you the tools you need to embody more of your soul energy within your physical form, the more of soul's higher vibrations embodied the less influence the matrix has upon you. The more soul energy embodied and expressed through physical action the more self responsibility, autonomy and sovereignty we have.
There is a battle playing out on earth right now, it is in the end stages of a very long spiritual war between lower vibration negative entities and higher vibration positive entities. This has been a cosmic war for millenniums. Due to unique circumstances humans have emerged as a rare species with the potential to bring an end to this war. If we can embody the conscious awareness of our multi-dimensional soul in physical form and function as a united species in peace than that vibration and frequency will spread throughout the galaxy, and potentially the Universe.
Due to the low vibrations and frequency of the earth, Humans have been controlled, or enslaved, by lower vibration negative entities. They have created a 'matrix' or 'network' around the planet with the intention of controlling, manipulating and hijacking humans in an effort to keep earth in the lower vibrations and frequency, this is what many refer to as the enslavement of mankind by the cabal or draconians. Through this matrix humans have been contributing to the negative entities war efforts, but our nature is capable of so much more! Due to the area of space earth is transitioning through her vibrations are rising, allowing humans to access the higher vibrations of their soul energy which contributes the war efforts of the positive or 'light' entities.
The key to vibration is the energy in motion, which is E-motion, emotion. Negative emotions, such as fear and anger, contribute to the lower vibrations and positive emotions, such as compassion and joy, contribute to the higher vibrations. Starseeds are higher vibrational entities that have chosen to incarnate into the human body within the matrix in order to help guide the human race towards the positive emotions and higher vibrations, thus Exiting the Matrix.
There is a battle playing out on earth right now, it is in the end stages of a very long spiritual war between lower vibration negative entities and higher vibration positive entities. This has been a cosmic war for millenniums. Due to unique circumstances humans have emerged as a rare species with the potential to bring an end to this war. If we can embody the conscious awareness of our multi-dimensional soul in physical form and function as a united species in peace than that vibration and frequency will spread throughout the galaxy, and potentially the Universe.
Due to the low vibrations and frequency of the earth, Humans have been controlled, or enslaved, by lower vibration negative entities. They have created a 'matrix' or 'network' around the planet with the intention of controlling, manipulating and hijacking humans in an effort to keep earth in the lower vibrations and frequency, this is what many refer to as the enslavement of mankind by the cabal or draconians. Through this matrix humans have been contributing to the negative entities war efforts, but our nature is capable of so much more! Due to the area of space earth is transitioning through her vibrations are rising, allowing humans to access the higher vibrations of their soul energy which contributes the war efforts of the positive or 'light' entities.
The key to vibration is the energy in motion, which is E-motion, emotion. Negative emotions, such as fear and anger, contribute to the lower vibrations and positive emotions, such as compassion and joy, contribute to the higher vibrations. Starseeds are higher vibrational entities that have chosen to incarnate into the human body within the matrix in order to help guide the human race towards the positive emotions and higher vibrations, thus Exiting the Matrix.