Awakening Soul in a Chaotic World
The world is changing, there is a restless feeling, something is stirring deep inside.
Many of us feel that their is more to life than the current experience.
Anxiety, Depression, Irritability and Anger are barely under the surface.
Welcome to the Awakening
There is no denying that the world we live in is vastly different than what our Grandparents knew. Technology is passing the innovations of sci-fi, population is skyrocketing, climate change is unpredictable, economy is inflated beyond comprehension, familiar jobs are becoming archaic and new job titles are like an alien language. There is no going back to the world of our grandparents or even our parents, this new world is here to stay and it is just getting started. So how do we evolve with it?
Join me for this presentation:
Awakening Soul in Chaotic World
It is time for our Spiritual life and our daily life to merge, Spirituality is no longer just for Sundays and Church or Temple. Every day new discoveries in biology, geology, mathematics, archaeology and astronomy are proving that we are energy beings living in an energy world, we are capable of way more than we have known was possible.
Yes we are Awakening to New Possibilities.
We are expanding our conscious awareness.
In this presentation you will learn what this means, how it affects you
and how you can thrive through the challenges of evolutionary times.
Bring your curiosity, your questions and struggles for Divine Guidance. This presentation is a workshop where you will learn the science, apply the skills and experience the possibilities.